Friday, August 20, 2010

sportlight on a hidden cancer risk

night falls,so you an your lights. but a theory has been gaining support in the past few years that artificial light at night may contribute to cancer,perhaps because it slows production of the hormone two studies add weight to the idea.
One,from University of Haifa ,analysed satellite measurements of night-time light and cancer rates in 164 countries.the most brightly lit had the highest rates of prostate cancer ,more than double those inthe dimmest nations. meanwhile ,harvard researchers who tracked more than 18000 postmenopausal women report that those with lowest night -time levels of melatonin were about 60 percent more likely to develop breast cancer.
so how can you minimise the possible risk posed by modern lighting? sleep in as dark a room as possible .use blinds or shapes if you live on a bright street.keep a night in the bathroom for midnight visits instead of turning on overhead.even brief exposure to light can suppress melatonin.A red buld is best: red wave-lengths cause a less precipitous drop of the hormone...........need to know:to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer ,try to get most of nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements

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